
Restrictions – Covid 19

Please respect the regulations set by the Swedish Health Agency to help reduce the covid-19-desease to spread.

  • Keep distance to others.
  • You do not need a Covid-pass to attend venues in Sweden 
  • Isolate yourself if you are experiencing symptoms OR have met someone with Covid-19. Stay isolated until you get a negative test result back OR the symptoms have passed.
  • It is a felony in Sweden to deliberately expose others to Covid-19. It is considered an assault/aggravated assault.
  • You can be contacted by the health agency to help trace where you got infected. It is vital to cooperate with the agency to stop the virus from spreading, you may have infected others unknowingly.

In these test centras you can buy at covid -19 test and get the result within 15 minutes, some centras take longer time. Prices may vary:

Measures taken at WorldPride House to avoid and resuce the risk of covid-19 spreading during WorldPride and EuroGames:

  • Information signs in English and Swedish
  • Hand sanitizer in all venues
  • Includers and other staff will have vizors when operating in gatherings, like entrance to the Opening in Malmö 
  • When the bigger events starts, the moderator will start with short info about the restrictions in place.
  • Hosts will help visitors to avoid crowded areas and give friendly reminders about respecting the restrictions. 
  • Information about restrictions and where to conduct covid tests are in writing in the program in both Swedish and English.

Especially for the Opening and the Parade: 

  • To ensure the restriction of 1 meter per person, 1,4 m is set aside. 
  • Sectioned entrance for the audience to enter and exit the Stadion.
  • The audience enter as well as exits at different times to avoid crowding.
  • Sign to help keep distance. 
  • Hand sanitizer 



Åtgärder som vidtas i WorldPride House för att minska risken för smittpridning under WorldPride och EuroGames: 

  • informationsskyltar på svenska och engelska
  • Handsprit finns utplacerat på platser där evenemanget äger rum.
  • Volontärer och annan personal bär visir vid större folksamlingar, tex vid insläpp till Invigningen.
  • Vid större programpunkter inleder moderator/talare med en kort information om de restriktioner som gäller 
  • Publikvärdar som påminner om avstånd och hjälper till rätta för att undvika att trängsel skapas.
  • Information om restriktioner samt plaster för att göra covidtest finns i programmet på svenska och engelska. 


Särskilt för Parad och Invigning

  • För att säkerställa enmetersgränsen vid sittande, har vi avsatt 1,40 till varje sittande
  • Insläpp sker vid olika sektioner och tider. 
  • Avståndsmarkeringar
  • Extra toaletter och handsprit