
Extra Årsmöte 2022

On August 30th, Malmö Pride will arrange an extra annual meeting. During the meeting, a replacement for outgoing chairperson Tove Karnerud will be chosen.

The extra annual meeting will be held at Nobel21 (Nobelvägen 21, Malmö) at 17:30 – 19:00. Doors open at 17:15, no pre-registration required. The venue’s entrance has a ramp, and the door will be opened up before the start of the meeting.

Interest in the role of chairperson of Malmö Pride’s board should be notified to valberedning@malmopride.com, August 9th at the latest. Please include a short description of yourself and why you are interested in the role, preferably in both Swedish and English.

Members who have paid the membership fee during 2022 are eligible to vote at the meeting.

The agenda and other documents will be posted on malmopride.com in the near future.

For questions, please reach out to ordforande@malmopride.com.